Honey Harvest is sometimes a stressful time of the year. Lets face it, the beekeeper comes in and starts stealing their hard work, their summertime effort and quite frankly their life savings. This is the stuff that is supposed to get them through the winter. Without knowing what kind of a Fall we are going to have, for me, it is always a gamble on how much to take.
Some bekeepers just take it all and will feed their bees sugar and or corn syurp. I don't believe in that. I try to take what is extra and at least leave a super or two (deeps) for the winter. I think my Carniolans could easily make it through a winter on one deep full of honey. But the Italians and Minesota's probably not.
Wax Cappings from the frames Here is our little extractor
Almost half way fulll of Honey! Just stick your finger in and taste!
Our harvest this year was around 16 gallons. That is not as much as last year but we had two issues this year. I lost a queen and in the process split one of my hives so now we are at 4. During that process we lost about 45 days of harvesting. That really slowed things down. The other issues is that it was not the best year. Many beekeepers this year had a smaller harvest. I just hope that we have a calm fall so that the bees can buildup and get ready for winter.